text: Ice Cream Factory
Hours of
Sunday 12pm - 9pm
Monday 12pm - 9pm
Tuesday 5pm - 9pm
Wednesday 12pm - 9pm
Thursday 12pm - 9pm
Friday 12pm - 10pm
Saturday 12pm - 10pm
4369 Main Street
Philadelphia, PA
Currently playing on

Konami's 1981 classic Frogger requires only a joystick to play, so it's an ideal title to eat an ice cream cone with. Help a group of frogs cross a busy highway and a perilous swamp in which absolutely everything is trying to kill you.

November 04, 2020

Underground devotees of MySweetGluttony's Hundo cookies have been quietly amassing in Manayunk, and we're happy to supply their fix. You can now obtain the soft, fudgy deliciousness of Hundos at Tubby Robot!

Named for being a prodigious 100 grams of pure cookie, Hundos help make your whole day just a little bit brighter.

October 28, 2020

We're approaching the end of pumpkin season and verging on the border of apple season. Come get our fresh pumpkin pie ice cream before the fell Granny Smith comes a' reaping!

October 03, 2020

Today we're unveiling a brand new EXTREMELY limited flavor!

Pawpaw is a little-known but delectable fruit that is native to our own backyard, and it only ripens for a few weeks every year. It tastes like a cross between a mango and a banana, featuring surprisingly tropical overtones for something that was picked in the greater Philadelphia region.

We managed to obtain just enough to make a single six-gallon batch, so this is definitely a first-come, first-served situation!

October 02, 2020

(recorded prior to COVID-19)
In this episode of Tubby Talk, Terry, Steve, and Chris discuss their favorite video game villains and which characters still haunt their sleepless nights. We also discover that Terry is very likely the last person on the Internet who has not been exposed to "the cake is a lie" memes.

Villains discussed include: Ganon, Dark Link, the Dark Queen, Wario, GLaDOS, Dr. Wily, Krang, Mike Tyson, Dr. Robotnik, Mother Brain, King K. Rool, Hulk Hogan, Lavos, Magus, Giygas, Andross, Pigma, Reapers, Dr. Breen, and Shang Tsung.

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September 03, 2020

Our scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Today we're unveiling our latest sundae: the COOKIE DOUGHVERLOAD. A mini-scoop of homemade (egg-free) cookie dough is paired with the ice cream flavor of your choice, adorned with our classic hot fudge and whipped cream.

Congratulations to all students and teachers starting a new school year! We hope this sundae helps take the edge off.

August 13, 2020

It's Thursday night, and that means it's time for ice cream sandwiches! Stop on by while visiting Stroll the Street and get your scooped-to-order sandwich made with fresh cookies by My Sweet Gluttony.

The pictured sandwich was made with Chocolate Covered Strawberry, which makes for an excellent pairing if we do say so ourselves.

August 06, 2020

Tonight marks the beginning of Manayunk's weekly Stroll the Street series! To contribute, we're teaming up with My Sweet Gluttony again and bringing back scooped-to-order ice cream sandwiches made with fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.

We sold out of our initial stock quickly last week, so be sure to come early!

August 05, 2020

(recorded prior to COVID-19)
In this episode of Tubby Talk, Terry, Steve, and Chris discuss spin-off games and discover that tracing their lineage goes deeper than they ever thought possible.

Games discussed include: Wario Land, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario Kart, Sonic R, Wario's Woods, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, World of Warcraft, Mortal Kombat Anthologies, The Typing of the Dead, Luigi's Mansion, Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, Karnov, Knuckles Chaotix, Gargoyle's Quest, Pokemon Snap, Donkey Kong Jr. Math.

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August 01, 2020

If you're looking for some Tubby to take home, we're currently selling a limited run of specialty half gallons directly through the shop!

The following flavors are available in half gallon form:

  • Dark Chocolate
  • Mexican Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Cinnamon Boast Bunch
  • Peanut Butter Bacon
  • Blueberry Cheesecake

July 29, 2020

For just two days, we're offering scooped-to-order ice cream sandwiches made with fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies courtesy of our friends at My Sweet Gluttony!

Come by on Wednesday ( today ) or Thursday and we'll put any of our available ice cream flavors between two incredible cookies for a gooey summertime treat. Supplies are limited, so first come first served!

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