text: Ice Cream Factory
May 05, 2022

People have been asking for it over the course of the year, but now we're happy to announce that fried ice cream is back just in time for Cinco de Mayo!

Come savor our unique blend of ice cream, buttery cinnamon crunchies, and a drizzle of honest-to-goodness honey. We'll serve it for at least the rest of the week, but after that? WHO KNOWS.

Hours of
Sunday 12pm - 9pm
Monday 12pm - 9pm
Tuesday 5pm - 9pm
Wednesday 12pm - 9pm
Thursday 12pm - 9pm
Friday 12pm - 10pm
Saturday 12pm - 10pm
4369 Main Street
Philadelphia, PA
Currently playing on

Konami's 1981 classic Frogger requires only a joystick to play, so it's an ideal title to eat an ice cream cone with. Help a group of frogs cross a busy highway and a perilous swamp in which absolutely everything is trying to kill you.